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My Sweet Lord

My Sweet Lord

George Harrison
All Things Must Pass

Song Meaning of My Sweet Lord by George Harrison

The background and meaning for the song My Sweet Lord is as spiritual as it is musical. George Harrison was a student of Eastern religions and he wanted to bridge the religious gap that existed during the flower power days. He also wanted to show that all religions were one in the sense that God is all. He used terms from both Christian and Hindu religions in this song.

Harrison penned the lyrics while on a trip to Copenhagen. He later recorded it along with thirty other songs for his triple album All Things Must Pass. The song combines gospel music and Indian devotional melodies. It is a hymn to the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra chants that he learned from his association with the Hare Krishna Movement led by Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. The chants are repeated over and over again during the song and it is said to be hypnotically meditative.

In 1971, Harrison was sued for copyright infringement by Bright Tunes Music Corp for this song because it sounded like the Chiffon's hit He's So Fine. The lawsuit was settled out of court and Harrison retained the rights to the song.

The lyrics for this song are based on the longing for transcendence that is found in every religion. The phrase 'My Sweet Lord' is the address of the Hare Krishna mantra which is repeated in a trance-like state during worship. This is also believed to be a way to receive blessings from the universe.

My Sweet Lord lyrics by George Harrison

My sweet Lord

Hm, my Lord

Hm, my Lord


I really want to see you

Really want to be with you

Really want to see you Lord

But it takes so long, my Lord


My sweet Lord

Hm, my Lord

Hm, my Lord


I really want to know you

Really want to go with you

Really want to show you Lord

That it won't take long, my Lord (Hallelujah)


My sweet Lord (Hallelujah)

Hm, my Lord (Hallelujah)

My sweet Lord (Hallelujah)


I really want to see you

Really want to see you

Really want to see you, Lord

Really want to see you, Lord

But it takes so long, my Lord (Hallelujah)


My sweet Lord (Hallelujah)

Hm, my Lord (Hallelujah)

My, my, my Lord (Hallelujah)


I really want to know you (Hallelujah)

Really want to go with you (Hallelujah)

Really want to show you Lord (ahh)

That it won't take long, my Lord (Hallelujah)


Hmm (Hallelujah)

My sweet Lord (Hallelujah)

My, my, Lord (Hallelujah)


Hm, my Lord (Hare Krishna)

My, my, my Lord (Hare Krishna)

Oh hm, my sweet Lord (Krishna, Krishna)

Oh-uuh-uh (Hare Hare)


Now, I really want to see you (Hare Rama)

Really want to be with you (Hare Rama)

Really want to see you Lord (ahh)

But it takes so long, my Lord (Hallelujah)


Hm, my Lord (Hallelujah)

My, my, my Lord (Hare Krishna)

My sweet Lord (Hare Krishna)

My sweet Lord (Krishna Krishna)

My Lord (Hare Hare)

Hm, hm (Guru Brahma)

Hm, hm (Guru Vishnu)

Hm, hm (Guru Devo)

Hm, hm (Maheśvaraḥ

My sweet Lord (Guru Sākṣāt)

My sweet Lord (Para Brahma)

My, my, my Lord (Tasmai Srī)

My, my, my, my Lord (Guru Namah)

My sweet Lord (Hare Rama)




(Hare Krishna)

My sweet Lord (Hare Krishna)

My sweet Lord (Krishna Krishna)

My Lord (Hare Hare)

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George Harrison


George Harrison, Phil Spector



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